AI Stylist

Visual-powered personal shopping 

Offer an in-person shopping experience, virtually. Our Al stylist turns customer inspiration into personalized, fashionable looks. Using computer vision, AI Stylist will find and style recommendations based on images that are either uploaded by the customer or found in your product catalogue.

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A woman wearing a striped tank. AI stylist suggest three products to complete the look, a drape jacket, grey linen skirt and black heeled slippers.

Key Features

style analysis

Visually recognizes styles and tags them accordingly. Such as "minimal", "casual", or "elegant".


A number given to determine how trendy a look is.


Shows customers how to complete their outfits to achieve a stylish overall look.

Our Technology Learns From Styles That Customers Like

In addition to shopper's browsing history our solution takes into account visual style preferences, adding a deeper level of personalization for each visitor. Al Stylist translates the styles that shoppers like into instant visual tags. These tags are used to generate recommended products.

Based on 3 uploaded images and one favorited image in a style profile, a black leather jacket is recommended.
An image of a pair of red heels are uploaded. The AI stylist recommends a black camisole and black quilted clutch to complete the look.

Style Discovery

A customer can upload an article of clothing of their choice. AI Stylist will find personalized pairings on how to complete or elevate the overall look based on a combination of their unique tastes as well as popular trends.

Fashion Score

Do your customers need a second opinion? When shoppers upload a photo, our Al Stylist will generate personalized trend, product, and style guidance.

A woman sitting on a stool. Her clothing is detected from the AI system which generates similar items that the user can purchase. Her outfit is also has a fashion score of 85%.